I actually consider myself a walking encyclopaedia of the Zelda universe – I’m a real ‘ask me anything’ kind of guy when we’re talking Zelda. So in a way, I guess this guide is my way around that. These two factors combined mean that any walkthrough I were to write just wouldn’t be able to compete. Quite a few other people like Zelda, too. Unfortunately for me, I’m far from the only one who subscribes to this way of thinking. It follows that I would want to write a Legend of Zelda FAQs.
=~=INTRODUCTION=~= The Legend of Zelda is my favourite video game series, bar none. Boom! There you are! It saves on scrolling through the whole document to find what you need.
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For example, if you wanted to see the Billy Bob section, whose code was, you would press Ctrl+F, then type in ‘’, then click ‘Find Next’ twice. Use your Ctrl+F function (on John Hodgemans, I’m not sure what it is for Jason Longs) to jump to where you need to be. \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /_\ /\ /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /_\/_\ ZELDA SERIES CHARACTER GUIDE by Jacob Rothenburger =~=TABLE OF CONTENTS=~= Introduction Version History Zelda Series Overview The Meat of the Guide Races Compendium Ladies’ Man Thanks Legal Garbage Contact Information In Closing Those numbers in are to allow you to quickly access the part of the guide you want to view. This walkthrough was originally written for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the GC, but the walkthrough is still applicable to the N64 version of the game.